You have reached the IPv6 Hands-on Labs website :-)

Available via IPv4 and IPv6!

IPv6 Hands-on Labs are offered at technical conferences and private training venues1.

As a participant in the IPv6 Hands-on Labs, you will configure an IPv6 based network system utilizing IPv6, DHCPv6, IPv6 routing, OSPFv3, and dual-stack IPv4/IPv6. The lab network is configured with multiple brands of network infrastructure devices for an interoperability view (HP and Cisco). In addition, various IPv6 network connected peripherals such as WLAN, IP camera, and a printer will be "in the core network" of the lab. The IPv6 hands-on lab network will be connected to the Internet, enabling viewing other IPv6 networks.

Each participant will configure a L2/L3 switch for IPv6, verify IPv6 connectivity with their computer, then connect the switch to a "Classroom Core" switch and verify system level IPv6 communications. All labs will be executed in a coordinated operation, ie., everyone will work in tandem on the same lab, verify the systems operations, then proceed to the next lab together.

In order to participate in these labs, participants will be required to provide their own laptop with:

  • any operating system that supports IPv6
  • wired Ethernet interface
  • VPN capability to access the remote lab system

    A working knowledge of IPv6 is helpful but not required, as lab configurations will be fully detailed. There will be basically no lecture in the IPv6 HoLs, these sessions are designed to provide participants with hands-on experiences in configuring an IPv6 only network system.

    What does the IPv6 Hands-on Labs look like? See the system here.

    Suggested reading:
  • IPv6 information at Wikipedia

    How to configure IPv6 on:

  • Windows XP
  • Windows 7
  • Mac OS X 10.5
  • Mac OS X 10.6
  • Ubuntu

    Utilities that are IPv6 capable:

  • Tera Term
  • TFTP Server

    Texas IPv6 Task Force (TXv6TF) - Fall 2011 IPv6 Summit - IPv6 Hands-on Labs (check Summit website)

    Australian IPv6 Summit 2011 - IPv6 Hands-on Labs (check Summit website)

    1 - To request an IPv6 HoVL at your event, contact Jeff Carrell

    Rev 08.05.2011 0600 v1.9